As we mentioned in other blog posts, we have been developing our virtual assistant. If you haven’t read it, don’t worry because we are going to dedicate an entire post to it.

In the last two months working on our PBL, in Inkwell we have started the creation of Aulapp but we haven’t done only that. We did some other tasks at the same time we were preparing it and one of this was Samba.

Samba is our virtual assistent or chatbot. With it you will be able to talk about web’s issues and having informal conversations. However, this aspect has to be improved because we didn’t have enough time to finish it properly.

Nevertheless, the main point of Samba is to talk with web users in order to help them. As a virtual assistant, Samba will tell you about web section’s information, class reservation (teacher’s schedules, prices, e.g.) and search system as well as answer any question about the PBL, or us. So, Samba is a very useful tool for all users who lose easily on websites o those who wants to find the best teacher for their needs in the shortest time.

As we said, Samba’s informal talkings are pretty poor but they will be improved with time, although it is not our main goal, but Samba does the user’s searches with what they told and even she does class reservations. We think this will be the best skill of Samba and a very interesting gadget to make more comfortable the users stay in our website.

We would like to have this functionalities working in a month’s time and get a better Samba until we make the perfect virtual assistant.

At the moment, Samba is running on Telegram. Please, don’t be shy and feel free to say hello to Samba.


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